Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Hello and Happy Tuesday!

Here's a sneak peek into the December interviews:

we'll hear from Mystic Tourist who is a Secular Mystic, Ven Jo Jo who is Buddhist, Chaviva who is a Jewish Convert and Sally Coleman who is Christian.

Some awesome interviews you will not want to miss!

1 comment:

  1. wow what a great line up ! I am really looking forward to learning who a secular mystic is ☺ and buddist because my ds22 is really into buddhism so I'd love to learn more about this phiolsophy . sorry I am very aware I am a poor speller ☺
    I am trying to write about Christian Wicca . I know a lot of wicca info as my relatives friends are wiccan neo pagan but I do not know anyone personally christian wiccan . I'd love if you could post a article on that and the life of a practicing Christian Wiccan .
    Thanks so much !
